
Let me introduce myself

Hi, I’m Jo Moss from Norwich (UK). I live with severe M.E., fibromyalgia, migraine, IBS, anxiety and depression. I started my blog, A Journey Through the Fog, to give myself a voice after years of being too sick to communicate.

I discuss all aspects of my mental and physical health, detailing the impact they have had on my life. I hope by sharing my experiences I can help others along the way. I try to offer practical solutions and guide you through ways in which you can take back control of your health and life.

My aim is to empower, encourage, educate, support and give hope to those living with chronic illness and mental ill-health, and to use my platform to raise awareness of invisible illnesses.

For more personal stories, reviews, news, inspirational quotes and in-depth discussion, please head over to my Facebook Page.

Jo Moss
