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My mind is a beacon of hope when no one else is listening.” ~ Beatrice L. Harris

This week’s post is a little different, but I hope it will become a regular feature on my blog. 

I believe it is vital that we listen to black disabled voices – not just because representation is important but because they have so much to teach us. 

Please let me introduce Beatrice L. Harris. She lives with multiple chronic illnesses including Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), Fibromyalgia, Lupus and Intracranial Hypertension, and channels her creativity through her beautiful and powerful writing, and her regular podcast. 

“I’m not big on talking about my trials and tribulations, but my sweet husband helped me find my words again. This time I can put them where they belong, in writings, whether it’s a poem, blog, or an article. I found new strength in my words that jump out at you like an epiphany. What I’m going through does NOT define me, my strengths do. So this is to the people that are special in their own way. Keep fighting and find your light.” ~ Beatrice L Harris 

If you would like to find out more about Beatrice and her story please read: Notes From A Bleeding Pen: How My Pain Became My Strength

You can find Beatrice over on Twitter.

“My name is well-known across the country. I live in Newburgh, NY. I write poetry and do a podcast as a way of fighting the pain. I have had the path of a permanent patient in life. I help empower those who are struggling because when they are empowered, it gives me strength as well. I have been stigmatized as a low-income person because I struggle with issues. But my heart is set on one thing. The truth about the system. My mind is a beacon of hope when no one else is listening. My spirit is strong because of what I’ve endured. That is what makes me a beast in writing.”

Beatrice L. Harris

Beatrice’s Poetry

Beatrice writes beautifully, and her poetry has a powerful message. You can read Beatrice’s poetry here.  The following poem is her most recent piece called ‘Human Fragments’.

Human Fragments ~ By Beatrice L. Harris

A Deep part of us lies in the fragments of our past lives. Only then will we find the courage to thrive.





Grasping at straws at the precipice of sanity and melancholy. Over the top, under fire.

There goes another gunshot. The wound is dire.

Oh look, another cop rehired. Another real leader retired.

The disseminating fragments of race tensions and political pensions spillover. Take cover.

A fragmented financial system exploits the poor, empowers the rich.

As I look at the human fragments, my mouth starts to twitch. I set down my device with a grinding echo in my head saying…

The fragmented life is a bitch.

Beatrice also has a Podcast called Cosmic Collision: The War On Humanity.

If you would like to be featured in my series Black Disabled Voices please comment below or send me an email. Thank you.

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